Sandra and Steven are that couple who everyone loves and admires…and secretly wants to be best buds with. They’re sweet, funny, gorgeous! – but delve a bit deeper and you’ll find two hearts completely full of love for everyone. They truly care and their kindness overflows into everything around them.. We’re in complete adoration of them, and words aren’t enough to express how special this celebration was for us to be a part of.
Sandra and Steven – thank you! Such a beautiful day you had and while we’re sorry it went by all too quickly, we’re happy to look at these photos and remember those moments. Congraulations to you both again!
Some fine details of the day and the who’s and who of how it came together:
Reception: Aria CT
Ceremony: Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Portrait Location: Waterbury City Hall + Aria CT
Décor & Floral Artist: Ruth Ridgeway Designs
Video: John Paulo Films
Dress: Sareh Nouri
Veil: Peter Langner
DJ: Clockwork Band
Cake: Modern Pastry Shop
Venue Director | Coordinator: Lina Musca and Lory ~ Aria
Photography: Hubert & Alka
Simply Elegant Aria Wedding CT Prospect | Sandra and Steven – Instagram.com/hubertkopec/ and Facebook.com/hkphotography.ct